
Code of Conduct

At MuteBox, we strive to meet our customers' quality expectations, minimise our environmental impact, and create a safe and positive work environment, while also aiming to integrate environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) considerations into our activities.

We are continually seeking to develop and improve our approaches to mitigating and adapting to climate change, sustainable water use, protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems, pollution prevention, and the circular economy. We train our employees with an emphasis on a safe working environment and respect for human rights. We adhere to current legislation and maintain high standards of ethics, management, and transparency.

Therefore, at MuteBox, we have chosen to adopt our majority owner Bjerrum Nielsen Group's Code of Conduct. Through this Code of Conduct, we aim to communicate our explicit expectations for those who work for or on behalf of MuteBox, ensuring that together we fulfill our objectives.

You can read the full version of our Code of Conduct here.


This Code of Conduct was last updated on 11.03.2024.


Whistleblower policy

At MuteBox, we want to act as a credible and responsible partner with a focus on compliance with applicable legislation, ethical behavior and responsible environmental impact.

We have therefore a Whistleblower policy that aims to establish the framework for our whistleblower scheme, which in addition to the company's usual reporting channels can be used to report serious matters, including suspicion or knowledge of illegal, unethical or unregulated behavior.

You can read the full version of our Whistleblower Policy here.

In addition, you can read about our Whistleblower Privacy Policy here.


Reporting via our Whistleblower scheme


We have chosen to join our majority owner Bjerrum Nielsen's whistleblower scheme, which is part of the Dansk Ejerkapital's joint whistleblower scheme. It gives you the opportunity to confidentially report serious matters. The scheme can be used by both current and former employees, as well as our external business partners, such as customers and suppliers, connected to our Danish or international units. You can read more about the framework for the whistleblower scheme, and make a report to the whistleblower scheme here where a small group of specialists at the law firm Poul Schmith will receive and carry out the initial screening of a report.


Make a report to the whistleblower scheme here.


This whistleblower policy was last updated on 11.03.2024.


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